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161 Enamel Badge

161 Enamel Badge


161 round enamel badge, black and white roughly 2cm diameter.

1917: Revolution in Russia and its Aftermath

1917: Revolution in Russia and its Aftermath


"In the Russian Revolution's centenary year Black Rose Books presents a collection of three books by Emma Goldman, Alexander …

A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance

A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance


"A Civil War is a history of the wartime Italian Resistance, recounted by a historian who, as a young man, took part in the s…

A Life For Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader

A Life For Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader


"Without freedom there would be no equality and without equality no freedom, and without struggle there would be neithe…

A Small Key Can Open a Large Door

A Small Key Can Open a Large Door


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The world watched in horror last autumn as the ruthless Islamic State (commonly referred to as ISIS) marched on the small …

A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order

A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order


'The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been the subject of intense scrutiny. Seen by many to be the most dangerous terro…

Abolishing the Borders from Below # 26

Abolishing the Borders from Below # 26


October 2006 edition of this anarchist newspaper that comes out Eastern Europe with articles from Croatia, Moldova, Poland…

Abolishing the Borders from Below # 32

Abolishing the Borders from Below # 32


Issue from 2008, pieces on Labour Struggles and Unionism;  Squats and Autonomous Spaces; Romanian Anarchists; Reistance t…

Abolishing the Borders From Below #25

Abolishing the Borders From Below #25


Themed around issues of discrimination, with writing from/on Romania, Polish Nationalism, Nazis in the Ukraine among many …

Abolishing the Borders from Below #29

Abolishing the Borders from Below #29


Themed on labour struggles in Eastern Europe, with the regular news, updates and calls for action. Articles and reports on…

Abolishing the Borders From Below #36 November 2010

Abolishing the Borders From Below #36 November 2010


 Interviews with Belarussian Anarchists; with the No Border Collective in Warsaw; with the founders of Gay Pride Budapest…

Abolishing the Borders from Below 22 (December 2005)

Abolishing the Borders from Below 22 (December 2005)


Themed around anti-fascist work, and 'libertarian structures and emancipative communities under fascist attack'.

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