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Disbelief 101: A Young Person's Guide to Atheism

Disbelief 101: A Young Person's Guide to Atheism


 Published by See Sharp Press, authored by S C Hitchcock.  As you would guess from the title, the books discusses the bi…

Dope 4

Dope 4


DOPE 4 features: Adam Barr, Marco Bevilacqua, Caroline Caldwell, Melanie Cervantes, Scott Dessert, Goldpeg, Hogre, Kim Kelly…

Facing the Wrath:

Facing the Wrath:


What makes the Right work? Incisive essays on the most powerful political movement of our time, covering: the Christian Co…

Faith in Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism

Faith in Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism


Anthology of writing on (against) religion from a wide range of philosophers, scientists and writers including Spinoza, Th…

For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France

For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France


'At the beginning of the twenty-first century, leading intellectuals are claiming “There is a problem with Islam in Fran…

Freedom 69/09 24th May 2008

Freedom 69/09 24th May 2008


Articles on the Post Ofice closures, Christianity, tax, social sciences and the French nuclear challenge alongside news, r…

Freedom 71/02

Freedom 71/02


 Issue dated January 30th 2010, leading with Haiti, the Cadbury take over, the Italian prison crisis, a review of The Hur…

God and the State

God and the State


 Spined version of Bakunin's classic essay, from Black Cat Press in Canada.

God And The State

God And The State


This pocket book starts with the essay “A great thinker or a man of action - how did Bakunin shape anarchism in the 19th…

Godless: 150 Years of Disbelief

Godless: 150 Years of Disbelief


"Godless is a compilation of wide-ranging texts, both hilarious and horrifying, on atheism, belief, and religion. The selecti…

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology


An accessible introduction to Marxist social theory and Freudian psychology, showing how they can cast light upon religiou…

Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean

Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean


"For thousands of years, the region of Palestine and the East Mediterranean has been denied an indigenous voice for an inclus…

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