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'We Will Rise Again': Ireland, Scotland and the Easter Rising

'We Will Rise Again': Ireland, Scotland and the Easter Rising


This book is the first detailed account of the Glasgow-based members of the Irish Volunteers, who crossed from Scotland to Ir…

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity


New small format (A6) size print run of this classic essay by Chaz Bufe.

A Collection of Ranter Writings: Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution

A Collection of Ranter Writings: Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution


"The Ranters - like the Levellers and the Diggers - were a group of religious libertarians who flourished during the English …

A Palestinian Reader (incomplete)

A Palestinian Reader (incomplete)


Collection of essays on Palestine, mostly pieces that have appeared in magazines, journals etc since 1936 giving an overview …

A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order

A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order


'The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been the subject of intense scrutiny. Seen by many to be the most dangerous terro…

After the Revolution

After the Revolution


A chronicle of serendipitous alliances in a dystopia that's right around the corner. What will the fracturing of the…

Against Nihilism: Nietzsche Meets Dostoevsky

Against Nihilism: Nietzsche Meets Dostoevsky


New study examining the great argument betweent these two giants of modern literature and philosophy. Written by Maïa Ste…

Against Ratzinger

Against Ratzinger


 Translation of an anonymously published analysis and critique of the last pope. Charts Ratzinger's rise to power from hi…

Alcohol: How To Give It Up And Be Glad You Did

Alcohol: How To Give It Up And Be Glad You Did


Summary of author Dr Phil Tate's work in helping problem drinkers - a rational-emotive alternative to the 12-step programm…

Among the Cannibal Christians

Among the Cannibal Christians


 Pamphlet essay written by Earl Lee - to state the obvious, a critque of religion... Published by See Sharp Press. 19…

An Introduction to the Misery of Islam

An Introduction to the Misery of Islam


More footnotes than essay here, in a short piece about life in an Islamic country. A5 edition.

An Introduction to the Misery of Islam

An Introduction to the Misery of Islam


More footnotes than essay here, in a short piece about life in an Islamic country. A4 photocopied pamphlet.

Anarchists Against the Wall

Anarchists Against the Wall


Part of a small but growing phenomenon in Israel since 2003, Anarchists Against the Wall have been boldly challenging the …




What it is, why it matters and how anarchists can learn from confronting it. Collection of essays old and new on this subject…

Astrology: Fraud or Superstition?

Astrology: Fraud or Superstition?


A brief but thorough debunking of astrology's supposed 'scientific' basis. Written by Charles Bufe, published by See S…

Atheism: The Logic of Disbelief

Atheism: The Logic of Disbelief


 Another of See Sharp Press' pamphlet reprints of Joseph McCabe's essays.  This collection examining atheism first appea…

Atheist Morality: Why We Don't Need Religion to Be Moral

Atheist Morality: Why We Don't Need Religion to Be Moral


"This essay aims to debunk the notion that we need faith in any kind of god or any of the supernatural claims of religion to …

Blasphemy: Ancient and Modern

Blasphemy: Ancient and Modern


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

 A detailed account of the practice and punishment of heresy and blasphemy, a critical discussion of English Law and a co…

Burglar for Peace: Lessons Learned in the Catholic Left’s Resistance to the Vietnam War

Burglar for Peace: Lessons Learned in the Catholic Left’s Resistance to the Vietnam War


"With an overview of the broader draft resistance movement, Burglar for Peace is an exploration of the sweeping landscape of …

Burning Women

Burning Women


The European Witch Hunts, enclosure and the rise of capitalism.

Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present

Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present


"Critique of Intelligent Design is a key to understanding the forces of irrationalism challenging the teaching of evolution i…

Daoism and Anarchism: Critiques of State Autonomy in Ancient and Modern China

Daoism and Anarchism: Critiques of State Autonomy in Ancient and Modern China


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"This volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series focuses on anti-statist critiques in ancient and modern China, s…

Deep Care The Radical Activists Who Provided Abortions, Defied the Law, and Fought to Keep Clinics Open

Deep Care The Radical Activists Who Provided Abortions, Defied the Law, and Fought to Keep Clinics Open


The story of the radical feminists (in America) who worked outside the law to defend abortion.  Starting in the 197…

Direct Action # 13 - Winter 99-2000

Direct Action # 13 - Winter 99-2000


The premier Anarcho-Syndicalist magazine, with an excellent mix of news, analysis, international goings-on, and good commo…

Disbelief 101: A Young Person's Guide to Atheism

Disbelief 101: A Young Person's Guide to Atheism


 Published by See Sharp Press, authored by S C Hitchcock.  As you would guess from the title, the books discusses the bi…

Dope 4

Dope 4


DOPE 4 features: Adam Barr, Marco Bevilacqua, Caroline Caldwell, Melanie Cervantes, Scott Dessert, Goldpeg, Hogre, Kim Kelly…

Facing the Wrath:

Facing the Wrath:


What makes the Right work? Incisive essays on the most powerful political movement of our time, covering: the Christian Co…

Faith in Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism

Faith in Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism


Anthology of writing on (against) religion from a wide range of philosophers, scientists and writers including Spinoza, Th…

For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France

For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France


'At the beginning of the twenty-first century, leading intellectuals are claiming “There is a problem with Islam in Fran…

Freedom 69/09 24th May 2008

Freedom 69/09 24th May 2008


Articles on the Post Ofice closures, Christianity, tax, social sciences and the French nuclear challenge alongside news, r…

Freedom 71/02

Freedom 71/02


 Issue dated January 30th 2010, leading with Haiti, the Cadbury take over, the Italian prison crisis, a review of The Hur…

God and the State

God and the State


 Spined version of Bakunin's classic essay, from Black Cat Press in Canada.

God And The State

God And The State


This pocket book starts with the essay “A great thinker or a man of action - how did Bakunin shape anarchism in the 19th…

Godless: 150 Years of Disbelief

Godless: 150 Years of Disbelief


"Godless is a compilation of wide-ranging texts, both hilarious and horrifying, on atheism, belief, and religion. The selecti…

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology


An accessible introduction to Marxist social theory and Freudian psychology, showing how they can cast light upon religiou…

Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean

Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean


"For thousands of years, the region of Palestine and the East Mediterranean has been denied an indigenous voice for an inclus…

Horrors of the Inquisition

Horrors of the Inquisition


A shocking description of the Catholic Church's reign of terror. Pamphlet from See Sharp Press, written by Joseph McCa…

How the Gods Were Made

How the Gods Were Made


Originally published in 1929, this is a Marxist and Materialist analysis of religion.

How To Be A Good Atheist

How To Be A Good Atheist


Fed up of religion telling you it has all the answers when it doesn't? Tired of hearing about divine mysteries when there …

I Belong Only to Myself: The Life and Writings of Leda Rafanelli

I Belong Only to Myself: The Life and Writings of Leda Rafanelli


Leda Rafanelli (1880–1971) was one of the most prolific propagandists in early twentieth century Italy. She began workin…

Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict


First published in 1995 this polemical study challenges generally accepted truths of the Israel-Palestine conflict as well…

Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right's Challenge to State and Empire

Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right's Challenge to State and Empire


'Takes readers on a tour of neonazis and Christian theocrats, by way of the patriot movement, the LaRouchites, and the alt-ri…

ISIS: The Terror Nation

ISIS: The Terror Nation


'From its birth in the late 1990s as the Jihadist dream of terrorist leader Abu Musab al Zawrqawi, the Islamic State (known b…

Islamic Activists: The Anti-Enlightenment Democrats

Islamic Activists: The Anti-Enlightenment Democrats


Author Deina Ali Abdelkader aims to familiarise her readers with popular (moderate) Islamist leaders - their ideas and the…

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel


 Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel by Israel Shahak & Norton Mezvinsky: The media are rapid in responding to Islamic fundament…

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years


 Written from a humanitarian viewpoint by a Jewish scholar, this book examines how the secular state of Israel has been shap…

Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11

Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11


Jihad and Jew-Hatred makes a major contribution to the understanding of radical Islamism by tracing the impact of European…

Liberty & Property - A Social History of Western Political Thought from Renaissance to Enlightenment

Liberty & Property - A Social History of Western Political Thought from Renaissance to Enlightenment


Author Ellen Meiksins Wood's history of the 'early modern' period, looking at the legacy of the thinkers of that era - fro…

Lobster # 52 - Winter 2006/07

Lobster # 52 - Winter 2006/07


Needs little introduction. THE investigative research/secret state magazine, without a doubt. From the far right, to far o…

Making War in the Name of God

Making War in the Name of God


 Subtitled 'Why Religion is at the Centre of Today's Deadly Conflicts' - authored by historian Christopher Catherwood, wh…

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization Vol II: Capitalism, the Age of Unmasked Gods and Naked Kings

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization Vol II: Capitalism, the Age of Unmasked Gods and Naked Kings


The second in a five volume work: "to understand how capitalism has come to engulf our world, we must understand how it devel…

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume I – Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume I – Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings


"A criticism that limits itself to capitalism is too superficial, Öcalan argues, and turns his eyes to the underlying struc…

Marriage and Love/Jealousy: Causes and a Possible Cure

Marriage and Love/Jealousy: Causes and a Possible Cure


Emma Goldman on relationships, love, and all the problems that come with them.

Meaning of Atheism

Meaning of Atheism


Biting critique of religion. Its 'not true - and is not even sane'. Written by E Haldeman-Julius, published by See Sha…

Morality Wars: How Empires, the Born-Again and the Politically Correct Do Evil in the Name of Good

Morality Wars: How Empires, the Born-Again and the Politically Correct Do Evil in the Name of Good


 "Is patriotism a good thing in an empire? Did General Petraeus betray us or did Moveon? Does morality often serve immora…

No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration

No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration


Good introduction to the paradoxes of the international movement of people: borders; workers; immigrants; economics.

Operation Defensive Shield: Witnesses to Israeli War Crimes

Operation Defensive Shield: Witnesses to Israeli War Crimes


 On March 29, 2002 the Israeli army launched Operation Defensive Shield, the largest military offensive against Palestini…

Organise! # 58

Organise! # 58


Theoretical discussion magazine of the Anarchist Federation/AFed. Excellent mix of articles, reviews, commentary and tub-…

Origins of Violence: Religion, History and Genocide

Origins of Violence: Religion, History and Genocide


"Genocide is commonly understood to be a terrible aberration in human behaviour, performed by evil, murderous regimes such as…

Oscar Wilde: The Double Image

Oscar Wilde: The Double Image


A probe into the intellectual content of Wilde's works and life. Includes the text of The Soul Of Man Under Socialism. …

Other Lands Have Dreams

Other Lands Have Dreams


At a moment when so many despairing peace activists have thrown in the towel, author Kathy Kelly, a witness to some of his…

Persistence of Religious Ideas in the 21st Century

Persistence of Religious Ideas in the 21st Century


A Contribution to a Debate. Why should ideas which were a product of a particular type of social organisation (tribal) in …

Radical Anthropology #1

Radical Anthropology #1


With articles by David Graeber (on why the idea of radical change today seems unrealistic) and Camilla Power (on the evolu…

Rather Die Fighting: A Memoir of World War II

Rather Die Fighting: A Memoir of World War II


 First hand account of life as a Jewish partisan by Frank Blaichman, who was 16 when the Germans invaded Poland. He joine…

Religion and the Human Prospect

Religion and the Human Prospect


" Since September 11, 2001, religion has been at the center of debates about the global future. Religion and the Human P…

Religion is stupid

Religion is stupid


Small badge, black print on white background.

Religious Movements: Today and Yesterday

Religious Movements: Today and Yesterday


"Religion may be the oldest attempt by humans to answer the fundamental questions of life. This essay briefly describes th…

Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism

Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism


Explores the history of Jewish radicalism in Central and Eastern Europe before the Holocaust. First published in French in 19…

Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants

Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants


Some 200 million workers move around China every year, looking for work. They are the most marginalized and impoverished grou…

Sexual Fascism

Sexual Fascism


'Sexual Fascism' takes us on a whirlwind tour of the unholy alliance between the Church and media in Scotland. From 'SmutW…

Shariah Don't Like It...? Punk and Religion in Indonesia

Shariah Don't Like It...? Punk and Religion in Indonesia


Essay - fully footnoted - describing some interview based social research done recently in Indonesia. Includes a bibliography…

Socialism and Marriage

Socialism and Marriage


First published in 1914, another in Hobnail Press' Aldred reprints series.

Society Without the State

Society Without the State


"The Anarchist Basis of Pacifism". Small format pamphlet of this essay from the 1960s, written by Ronald V Sampson. …

Spirituality and abolition

Spirituality and abolition


To posit the spirituality of abolition is to consider the ways historical and contemporary movements against slavery; prisons…

Stanley's Exploits, or Civilising Africa

Stanley's Exploits, or Civilising Africa


 David Nicoll was an anarchist militant, active in Sheffield and London, who was never afraid to give the powerful the sh…

Student Resistance in the Age of Chaos: Book 1, 1999-2009

Student Resistance in the Age of Chaos: Book 1, 1999-2009


"Student resistance in the first decade of the 21st century was the single most powerful liberating force around the globe du…

Systems of Suffering: Dispersal and the Denial of Asylum

Systems of Suffering: Dispersal and the Denial of Asylum


"Of the many state-enacted cruelties to which refugees and asylum seekers are subjected, detention and deportation loom large…

Tangled in Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia

Tangled in Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia


"Islamophobia is everywhere. It is a narrative and history woven so deeply into our everyday lives that we don't even notice …

The Age of Jihad: Islamic State and the Great War for the Middle East

The Age of Jihad: Islamic State and the Great War for the Middle East


'The Age of Jihad charts the turmoil of today's Middle East and the devastating role the West has played n the region from…

The Anarchist Encyclopedia Abridged

The Anarchist Encyclopedia Abridged


"Mitch Abidor is to be commended for presenting the first English translation of selections from Sébastien Faure’s incom…

The Anarchist Jesus

The Anarchist Jesus


Small pocket-sized booklet of a long form poem by Heathcote Williams. Published by Active Distribution, 2022.

The Anti-Christ

The Anti-Christ


Nietzsche's classic, here translated and introduced by H L Mencken. Published by See Sharp Press. 1999.

The Catholic Church and the Sex Problem

The Catholic Church and the Sex Problem


 Subtitled 'The Stupidity, Futlity and Insolence of Its Ethic' this is a reprint of a Joseph McCabe essay from 1949. …

The Continuing Appeal of Religion

The Continuing Appeal of Religion


Small format spined booklet, essay by Gilles Dauvé and Karl Nesic, on why religion perseveres long after the age of the pari…

The Devil's Dictionaries

The Devil's Dictionaries


 The best 200+ quotes from Ambrose Bierce's original Devil's Dictionary plus an additional 500+ update from Chaz Bufe. …

The English Civil War

The English Civil War


 "The English Civil War is a subject of perennial interest. This book presents the ‘essentials’ of the conflict in th…

The Establishment Versus the Rotunda

The Establishment Versus the Rotunda


Subtitled "Remembering 1830s London's Most Notorious Radical Social Space". In the early 1830s a building on Blackfria…

The Failure of Christianity

The Failure of Christianity


Written in 1913 and published in the Mother Earth journal the same year. Pamphlet essay by Emma Goldman.

The Islamist Phoenix: The Islamic State and the Redrawing of the Middle East

The Islamist Phoenix: The Islamic State and the Redrawing of the Middle East


'From its birth in the late 1990s as the jihadist dream of terrorist leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the Islamic State (know…

The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims

The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims


"The Islamophobia Industry is a disturbing account of the rising tide of Islamophobia sweeping through the United States and …

The Left Left Behind

The Left Left Behind


 Hugo and Nebula award-winner Terry Bisson is best known for his short stories, which range from the southern sweetness o…

The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of Reason

The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of Reason


"The sixth century BC was an era of personalities and uprisings. It was the time of Xenophanes, Cyrus, Solon the lawmaker,…

The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War On Terror

The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War On Terror


Investigation of the costs of the 'war on terror' for those who have been its targets, including the infiltration, entrappmen…

The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right

The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right


"What does fascism mean at the beginning of the twenty-first century? When we say the word, our memory goes back to the years…

The Philosophy of Atheism

The Philosophy of Atheism


Short essay, first published in the Mother Earth journal in 1916.

The Rise Of The Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution

The Rise Of The Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution


Author Patrick Cockburn describes the conflicts behind the dramatic unraveling of US foreign policy.  He shows how the th…

The Road To Al Qaeda: The Story of Bin Ladens Right Hand Man

The Road To Al Qaeda: The Story of Bin Ladens Right Hand Man


This is an account of the development of tensions between violent and non-violent factions in radical Islamist movements, …

The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould

The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould


"Thoughtful and perceptive presentation of the remarkable work of Stephen Jay Gould" - Noam Chomsky Authored by Richar…

The Slow Mirror and Other Stories

The Slow Mirror and Other Stories


This is a collection of contemporary fiction by British, American and South African Jewish writers. The stories are as div…

The Threat to Reason - How the Enlightenment was Hijacked and How We Can Reclaim It

The Threat to Reason - How the Enlightenment was Hijacked and How We Can Reclaim It


  Today, media commentators, intellectuals and politicians declare that western science and rationality are threatened by…

Wanting to Be Indian: When Spiritual Searching Turns into Cultural Theft

Wanting to Be Indian: When Spiritual Searching Turns into Cultural Theft


Pamphlet discussing the appropriation of Native American spirituality. By Myke Johnson.

Why I Am Not A Mormon: Fallacies of the Mormon Faith

Why I Am Not A Mormon: Fallacies of the Mormon Faith


 An ex-Mormon's exceptionally penetrating look at the absurdities and blatant falsehoods in the Book of Mormon, and the s…

Witches, Midwives & Nurses

Witches, Midwives & Nurses


Classic essay by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, a history of women healers.  Pamphlet version,

Witches, Midwives and Nurses

Witches, Midwives and Nurses


 A history of women and medicine - from herbal remedies and wise women through to the astonishing numbers of women killed as…

Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women

Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women


"We are witnessing a new surge of interpersonal and institutional violence against women, including new witch hunts. This sur…

Women, Witchhunts and the Reproduction of the Capitalist World: A Conversation with Silvia Federici

Women, Witchhunts and the Reproduction of the Capitalist World: A Conversation with Silvia Federici


Transcript of a 2012 conversation with Silvia Federici, about her classic book Caliban and the Witch. Lightly edited, from an…

Working Class Resistance #9

Working Class Resistance #9


Issue 9: main articles on Education, Asylum Seekers, May Day, Death of the Pope.

Yiddish Anarchist Bibliography

Yiddish Anarchist Bibliography


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From the shtetl of Tsarist Russia to the workshops of Whitechapel and beyond; here is a record of the publishing activities o…

Zionism And History: Reading the Wrong Lessons From The Persecution of the European Jews

Zionism And History: Reading the Wrong Lessons From The Persecution of the European Jews


"How can we explain the persecution of Jews throughout European history, culminating in the horror of the Nazi holocaust? …

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