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Lost Dimension
"Cronyism, greed, and corruption trumped social justice and public health in Canada’s legalization of cannabis. How did we …
Subtitled 'The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies' this is an enormous collection of articles di…
As you would come to expect from those very fine folks at Amok, a vast compendium of the lurid and bizarre, compiled from for…
Introductory-level instructions on how to forage, collect and preserve plants, and the various methods of making them into me…
Selected Writings by Julius Deutsch "The Austromarxists tried to carve out a road between reformism and Bolshevism, creati…
In this collection of recent talks, maverick commentator Alexander Cockburn defiles subjects ranging from Colombia to the …
An anthology of art and articles from Europe's first magazine devoted to cannabis and psychedelic experience. Featuring, a…
Yes! You heard right – at long last, Pete Loveday has given the world another issue of the Big Trip Travel Agancy comics…
Russell is still lost in his hypnotic regression cycle, but this time there are drugs, dancing sheep, drugs, long eco-poli…
"Brew It Yourself outlines the key methodologies for two of the most common home brewing techniques: extract and all-grain…
Chemical spraying is being used in Colombia as a deterrent and to destroy 'illicit' coca crops. But most people growing co…
New edition of Datacide: Magazine for Noise & Politics. News, features, fiction and reviews. Includes a review of rece…
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