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The Touch
"Cronyism, greed, and corruption trumped social justice and public health in Canada’s legalization of cannabis. How did we …
Subtitled 'The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies' this is an enormous collection of articles di…
As you would come to expect from those very fine folks at Amok, a vast compendium of the lurid and bizarre, compiled from for…
Introductory-level instructions on how to forage, collect and preserve plants, and the various methods of making them into me…
Selected Writings by Julius Deutsch "The Austromarxists tried to carve out a road between reformism and Bolshevism, creati…
In this collection of recent talks, maverick commentator Alexander Cockburn defiles subjects ranging from Colombia to the …
An anthology of art and articles from Europe's first magazine devoted to cannabis and psychedelic experience. Featuring, a…
Yes! You heard right – at long last, Pete Loveday has given the world another issue of the Big Trip Travel Agancy comics…
Russell is still lost in his hypnotic regression cycle, but this time there are drugs, dancing sheep, drugs, long eco-poli…
"Brew It Yourself outlines the key methodologies for two of the most common home brewing techniques: extract and all-grain…
Chemical spraying is being used in Colombia as a deterrent and to destroy 'illicit' coca crops. But most people growing co…
New edition of Datacide: Magazine for Noise & Politics. News, features, fiction and reviews. Includes a review of rece…
Volume I: "Weeds" & Common Plants A5 pamphlet cataloguing common plants and their uses, including illustrations and a gl…
A zine of grassrooots radical herbalism and wild foods connecting with kids and family life. ('Fireweed' is the North America…
Reporting on the then-new asylum laws, push for free prescriptions for all, the early days of the recession, inflation in …
"Carol is a small-time cocaine dealer in 1987 London. She's on her own with a young daughter—a good mother who is especi…
Brings together the very best of two centuries of writing on the vicissitudes of altered consciousness. Reporting on self-…
Exposé of the drug wars in Mexico, naming names across the cartels, but also the politicians, civil servants, judicial worke…
Four centuries ago a group of farmers from the West Of England decided to see if they could make a living for themselves b…
Heady and engaging novel set amongst the events of Paris May 68. Recommended reading for all aficionados of fine literatur…
"Between 1976 and 1994, more than twenty hospitals in the UK were occupied either wholly or partly by either staff who wor…
At a moment when so many despairing peace activists have thrown in the towel, author Kathy Kelly, a witness to some of his…
Its back! All the dope on everyone's favourite weed. It's a comic but it's so much more, as Russell takes the reader on a …
This is a journey from pre-enclosure herbal brews made by ale-wives to the domination of hops and large breweries. But don't …
23rd June: St John's Eve - time for some Midsummer feasting, partying and a line or two of Cokaygne. Pamphlet from Past Te…
Now this really is excellent, both in content and conception. Written by seven authors (Ted Curtis, Robert Dellar, Martin …
Lenny Bruce was, for 25 years, the most controversial comedian in America. He, virtually singlehandedly, invented alternat…
Fighting big brother's bladder cops. Millions of Americans are being subjected to a meaningless and degrading urine test f…
This virtual fairytale and first novel by the late Dr Leary will titillate your brain cells and other private parts. Trave…
A sheer baccanalian celebration of the physical - something usually rejected as non-literary, as a 'suspect device' - runs…
Millions of children are taking Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine (amphetamine) and other stimulants for "ADHD". This book ques…
What it says on the cover, really. Small-format book of encouragement and advice for you or the anarcho-depressives in your l…
Pamphlet from 1992, just noticed that it wasn't on the site... It's a pointed (or scornful, depending on perspective) crit…
Alan Moore says this "redefines the occult novel as something millenial, apocalyptic, unafraid to speak of sex or drugs or…
"The United States has among the worst indicators of health in the industrialized world and at the same time spends signi…
To oppose the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the US formed an extraordinary anti-communist alliance with militant…
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