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Saint John's Eve

Saint John's Eve


23rd June: St John's Eve - time for some Midsummer feasting, partying and a line or two of Cokaygne. Pamphlet from Past Te…

Seaton Point

Seaton Point


Now this really is excellent, both in content and conception. Written by seven authors (Ted Curtis, Robert Dellar, Martin …

Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Mind - The Rise and Reckless Fall of Lenny Bruce

Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Mind - The Rise and Reckless Fall of Lenny Bruce


Lenny Bruce was, for 25 years, the most controversial comedian in America. He, virtually singlehandedly, invented alternat…

Steal This Urine Test - Fighting Drug Hysteria in America

Steal This Urine Test - Fighting Drug Hysteria in America


Fighting big brother's bladder cops. Millions of Americans are being subjected to a meaningless and degrading urine test f…

Surfing the Concious Nets

Surfing the Concious Nets


This virtual fairytale and first novel by the late Dr Leary will titillate your brain cells and other private parts. Trave…

Suspect Device: a Reader in Hard-Edged Fiction

Suspect Device: a Reader in Hard-Edged Fiction


A sheer baccanalian celebration of the physical - something usually rejected as non-literary, as a 'suspect device' - runs…

Talking Back to Ritalin:What Doctors Aren't Telling You About Stimulants for Children

Talking Back to Ritalin:What Doctors Aren't Telling You About Stimulants for Children


Millions of children are taking Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine (amphetamine) and other stimulants for "ADHD". This book ques…

The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin' Sad

The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin' Sad


What it says on the cover, really. Small-format book of encouragement and advice for you or the anarcho-depressives in your l…

The Rebel's New Clothes

The Rebel's New Clothes


Pamphlet from 1992, just noticed that it wasn't on the site... It's a pointed (or scornful, depending on perspective) crit…

The Risen: A Holographic Novel

The Risen: A Holographic Novel


Alan Moore says this "redefines the occult novel as something millenial, apocalyptic, unafraid to speak of sex or drugs or…

To Live and Die in America: Class Power, Health and Healthcare

To Live and Die in America: Class Power, Health and Healthcare


"The United States has among the worst indicators of health in the industrialized world and at the same time spends signi…

Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism

Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism


To oppose the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the US formed an extraordinary anti-communist alliance with militant…

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