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The Lizard Club
Gritty fiction set in San Francisco's Mission District.
Experimental fiction from Derek Pell, using the Warren Report into the assassination of JFK as a starting point for a pr…
Fierce, poignant sci-fi, about hacking, love, and resistance. Jumping to alternate realities sounds great, if you'r…
A revolutionary tale of Black and Indigenous insurrection. History as it should have been. Begin the World Over is a counter…
Yes! You heard right – at long last, Pete Loveday has given the world another issue of the Big Trip Travel Agancy comics…
The further adventures of Russell and his friends, including hypno regression to the stone ages, magic mushroom adventures in…
Russell is still lost in his hypnotic regression cycle, but this time there are drugs, dancing sheep, drugs, long eco-poli…
No wonder Russell is confused again, this is definitely the most complex and political editions of Big Trip to date. A bra…
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A superb novel on a largely taboo subject. Includes an introduction by Michael Moorcock.
'Birth of Our Power is an epic novel set in Spain, France, and Russia during the heady revolutionary years 1917-1919. Serge's…
Work from 5 of the best writers working on these islands: David Crystal, Graham Fulton, Des Dillon, Ally May, Shug Hanlan.…
Debut book from Hoboken based writer/musician Tricia Warden. Savagely honest and darkly humorous collection from a strong …
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