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Journals & Periodicals

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Tipping the Sacred Cow - The Best of LiP: Informed Revolt, 1996-2007

Tipping the Sacred Cow - The Best of LiP: Informed Revolt, 1996-2007


For over a decade, in print and online, LiP: Informed Revolt concocted a deeply imaginative, iconoclastic mix of politic…

Total vol 2

Total vol 2


Total acts as a forum for ideas that are a genuine alternative to the dogma of conformity. Each volume presents new graphi…

Upping the Anti: a journal of Theory and Action #10

Upping the Anti: a journal of Theory and Action #10


Issue number 10 of this Canadian journal, from 2010. Writing from Patrick Bond (on Green Capitalism); Andrea Smith (on Unl…

What Moves Us: The Lives & Times of the Radical Imagination

What Moves Us: The Lives & Times of the Radical Imagination


A collection of writing by Canadian activists from across a wide spectrum of issues. Co-published by Upping the Anti, The …

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