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I Shot Mussolini
This pamphlet analyses British penology by focussing on three case studies, spread across two centuries, all with Bristol con…
Poetry and writing by prisoner Harold H Thompson. Inspirational pamphlet printed for the benefit of the Anarchist Black Cr…
"Veganism and concern for the plight of animals are commonplace in punk. This zine investigates the relationship using int…
New pocket-sized version of this pamphlet, roughly A6, with a spine. "This zine uses research into the punk scenes and ani…
The 1978-79 Winter of Discontent, forgotten and repressed as it may be, nevertheless still haunts the memory of this socie…
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"America's entry into World War I immediately served to highlight the issue of race relations and the contradictions between …
Two essays: "Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child", Moira Weigel and Mal Ahern's scathing (and humorous) critiq…
New small format (A6) size print run of this classic essay by Chaz Bufe.
Title is clear! Small format pamphlet written by August O'Clairre, and published by Active Distribution, 2020.
A Short History of the Miners of Kingswood Forest: #11 in the Bristol Radical Pamphleteer series. "A barbarous and ungov…
Small format pamphlet written by Vlad Bratuleanu, building on an earlier work by Eugen Relgis called "Los Libertarios de Ruma…
Historian James D Young on Burns, with two purposes: to rescue the real independent revolutionary poet and radical; and to…
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