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Take Back Mokum: Squatting and the housing struggle in Amsterdam


Product Information

"How to squat a house? How to organise a rent strike? How to fight gentrification? How to take back the city?

Take Back Mokum portrays the housing struggle in Amsterdam today. It shows how the squatting movement intersects with queer activism, the struggle of undocumented migrants, with ecological issues, and grassroots right-to-the-city initiatives. Consisting of essays, interviews, visual stories and much more, it compiles the insights and practical knowledge of a large variety of activists and collectives from all over Amsterdam. Together they represent a shared explorations of urban life lived autonomously.

Mokum is Amsterdam's nickname. Originally meaning refuge or safe haven, it is a place we create in resistance, in community, in escape of the established order. This book shows you how  and invites you to join in."

Published by Spookstad, 2024.

Product Code: 9789083453200

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